Teacher Training Center

Residency Fellowships

Shady Hill School offers the Katharine Taylor and Urban City scholarships to aspiring educators enrolling in the Teacher Training Residency Program.


The Katharine Taylor Fellowship offers $21,000 to an aspiring early-career educator or career-changer interested in teaching and learning in a public or progressive private school. Fellowship already awarded for 2024.

List of 4 items.

  • + The Fellowship

    Shady Hill School offers the Katharine Taylor Fellowship to an individual who demonstrates a commitment to teaching children and an interest in leadership. The recipient of this fellowship will develop a proposal for a special project related to the mission of the Teacher Training Center. The fellow will be assigned an advisor to mentor them in the implementation of the project.
  • + The Award

    Established in 2001 with gifts from the community to the school’s Pathways to the Future Campaign, this $21,000 fellowship is named in honor of Katharine Taylor, the founder of Shady Hill’s Teacher Training Center and the school’s visionary director in its early years. The $21,000 fellowship covers tuition ($6,000) and a housing stipend.
  • + The Ideal Candidate

    The ideal candidate for this demonstrates a commitment to teaching, social justice, and leadership. The recipient of this fellowship will complete a year-long apprenticeship at Shady Hill School and develop a proposal for an action-research project that is aligned with the mission of Shady Hill’s Teacher Training Center and strategic goals. The Taylor Fellow will be assigned an advisor to mentor them in the implementation of the project.
  • + Eligibility

    Applicants for the Katharine Taylor Fellowship are eligible if they have
    • Completed the application to the Teacher Training Residency Program
    • Been accepted to Shady Hill’s Teacher Residency Program
    • Completed a financial assistance application 
    • Been awarded financial aid through the TTC
    • Demonstrated leadership and a commitment to social justice that has made an impact.
    • Demonstrated experience in teaching children with joy and modeling love for all the gifts children possess.
    • A strong liberal arts background and high academic achievement (a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or above)


The Urban Teaching Fellowship offers $21,000 to an aspiring educator committed to learning the art and craft of teaching and who aims to impact public school settings.

List of 4 items.

  • + The Fellowship

    Shady Hill School offers an Urban Teaching Fellowship to an individual who is committed to public education and interested in a dual apprenticeship in an independent and public school. Ideally, recipients of the Urban Teaching Fellowship will complete the apprentice year, earn a graduate degree in education from Lesley University, and teach in a public school upon graduating from the program. The Urban Teaching Fellow spends September through December at Shady Hill School and January through June in a public school.
  • + The Award

    This fellowship award is $21,000 including tuition ($6000). Candidates who are bilingual, and have experience teaching at Breakthrough Collaborative, CityYear, Generation Teach, Boston University’s Upward Bound program, or Lesley University’s Urban Scholars program are encouraged to apply. 
  • + The Ideal Candidate

    Our children need creative, socially just, and culturally responsive teacher-leaders in all educational settings. Recipients of this fellowship will be mentored by Shady Hill’s teacher-leaders, highly effective culturally responsive educators in the public school, and an advisor who will meet with them during the year of their apprenticeship. Ideally, the Urban Teaching Fellowship recipients will complete the apprentice year by teaching at Shady Hill during the fall and at a public school during the spring. They may earn a graduate degree in education from Lesley or Boston University and teach in a public school in the future. 

    Fellows spend the spring semester from January to June working with a mentor in a classroom at Gardner Pilot Academy. In the spring, the Urban Teaching Fellow will teach at Gardner four days a week and engage in discussions about their practice in seminars and workshops offered by the Teacher Training Center in collaboration with a university partner.  
  • + Eligibility

    Candidates for the Urban Teacher Fellowship are eligible if they have
    • Completed the application to the Teacher Training Residency Program
    • Been accepted to Shady Hill’s teacher residency program
    • Completed a financial assistance application 
    • Been awarded financial aid through the TTC
    • Demonstrated experience in teaching children and adolescents with joy and modeling love for all the gifts children possess
    • Experience with public school students and/or programs that serve public school students 
    • A strong liberal arts background and high academic achievement (a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or above)


For more information, check out the application process. For questions, please contact Kristen Skinner.
617.520.5260      178 Coolidge Hill  Cambridge MA 02138           Association of Independent Schools in New England