Fourth-grader’s Insight Launches Service Project

Led by the IV Brewster class, volunteers in Grades III and IV worked together to make 140 toiletry bags for Pine Street Inn. Over the past week, students gathered at morning recesses to pack bags that contained nine items, such as soap, band-aids, toothbrushes, and hand warmers. Students also created beautiful cards with messages of care and support for each bag. Card making reached the middle-school community as well, as Student Board Service leaders led middle-school volunteers in creating cards for the bags. 
“There’s a homeless man I see a lot near where I live.” Fourth-grader Dylan Cooper-Ewing was talking about the initiative she led to help those facing homelessness. “He makes me realize that there are people who don’t get to go home every day.  He makes me think about how hard it is to live like that. I wanted to help by giving people who are homeless the same things they would have if they had a home.”

In being asked to think about those facing homelessness and in doing this important work, SHS students showed incredible caring, helpfulness, and leadership. We’re looking forward to delivering the bags to Pine Street and getting them to those in our community who need them. 

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