+ Mathematics

The goal of our mathematics program in Beginners is to help children construct their own mathematical knowledge. We do this through meaningful learning experiences in which they solve problems, develop mathematical thinking, communicate their thinking in written and oral forms, and explore multiple representations. We encourage children’s interest in mathematics while building their confidence and strengthening their skills. We see mathematics as an integral part of children’s daily learning experiences at school. There is a strong emphasis on helping children see connections between their work in mathematics and real-life situations.  

A set of B- Grade VIII standards provides the framework for our work in mathematics. While the mathematics program is standards-driven, it is also flexible enough to be able to respond both to differences in learning styles and variations in the readiness of our students. Below are listed some of the skills and concepts we expect Beginners to develop over the course of the year. 

  • Counting to 20 and beyond
  • Understanding relationships among numbers
  • Developing number sense and applying it to real-world applications
  • Recognizing and writing numerals 0-10 and applying them to authentic tasks
  • Sorting by single and multiple attributes 
  • Creating categories for sorting
  • Using manipulatives to solve problems
  • Sharing mathematical thinking with others 
  • Demonstrating an awareness of addition and subtraction in everyday life
  • Participating in data collection, representation, and interpretation
  • Creating and interpreting graphs
  • Identifying, creating, and extending patterns
  • Identifying and manipulating shapes
  • Engaging in measurement activities

An example of our math curriculum is our Beautiful Stuff Project, in which students gather found materials (e.g., recycling, junk drawer items) from home. Students engage in sorting, categorizing, labeling, counting, describing, and comparing and contrasting activities with these materials. In another piece of curriculum, students create their own class surveys. They generate a question (e.g. Do you like dogs?), ask each of their peers, record their answers, tally them, and create graphs of their results. This project encompasses many skills, including speaking, listening, writing, counting, number writing, data collection, and graph interpretation.
617.520.5260      178 Coolidge Hill  Cambridge MA 02138           Association of Independent Schools in New England