+ Language Arts

The Beginners program strives to create a literacy-rich environment, which fosters curiosity and a love of reading and writing. This is done through constant exposure to books and environmental print and opportunities for informal and teacher-directed writing. Language activities are designed to lay the groundwork for developing skills in listening, following directions, reading readiness, communicating with others, and creative thinking. 

A set of B- Grade VIII standards provides the framework for our work in language arts. Below are some of the skills we expect Beginners to develop in Language Arts over the course of the year. 

  • Maintaining focus and listening to others 
  • Contributing during meetings and discussions  
  • Following multi-step oral directions 
  • Developing a love of literature 
  • Recognizing and naming all uppercase letters 
  • Demonstrating letter-sound correspondence for most letters
  • Writing name and recognizing most classmates’ names
  • Identifying and generating rhyming words and alliteration
  • Clapping or counting syllables in words of up to three syllables  
  • Engaging in different kinds of writing, such as labels, letters, and stories
  • Developing an understanding of character, setting, and plot
  • Self-identifying as a story-teller and author

One way we incorporate these skills into our program is through our multi-step Build A Story Project. Students generate characters and settings, build them in 3-D with various materials, and author and illustrate their own imaginative stories. Many literacy opportunities arise in our dramatic play area, where students write menus, signs, letters, and lists as part of their play. Students also see connections between literacy and other subject areas as they speak, read, and write about their observations and discoveries.
617.520.5260      178 Coolidge Hill  Cambridge MA 02138           Association of Independent Schools in New England